God of War 3 has been on the store shelves for a while now and I still haven't played it. You know why? I just don't have the time. I only have 2-3 spare hours on any weekday, all of which are spent playing WoW.
I mean, you log in thinking you're only going to do your daily heroic and sign out, but then you check your AH alt, start doing some dailies, check trade chat for any fun PuGs going on...and before you know it you've spent 3 hours straight playing wow.
Anyways, my original point is that I really want to play God of War 3. It looks so good. 1 and 2 were AMAZING games. I don't even really like button-smashing action games normally but GoW took the whole genre to new heights. Stunning graphics and sounds, smooth gameplay, clever puzzles, nice storyline...but most importantly, the controls are so brutally satisfying. Pressing the right combos mean you can rip the head right off of something, and the way the camera zooms in and follows your every bone-snapping, blood-spraying, organ-slashing movements...it's gaming nirvana. Only once every few years do you see a game like GoW, that takes a done-to-death genre and makes an awesome game that you just don't want to put down. Even when you beat it, you wanna beat it again...on hard mode.
I'll probably break down and buy GoW soon...it just means I'll have to split my time between two things somehow. And I still haven't played Final Fantasy 13 (I've played every single FF game except FF11 so...). Somehow I will fit all this into my life. Goodbye, weekends!
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