Or should I say, a healing order.
Last night I found myself back in Ulduar with the new guild. I wasn't quite sure why they wanted to do Ulduar because the gear really wouldn't be useful to anyone, but they explained that they wanted to clear the room with Freya and collect all the frost lotus that respawn every 30 min. Genius!
We made it past Flame Leviathan - it was a piece of cake, and I even got the achievement for not repairing the vehicles. I don't think they even downed the towers before FL...pretty impressive. We got XT-002, Kologarn, Freya, Hodir, Auriaya, and Thorim in quick succession, all on the first try! Mimiron was not so easy, but we only gave it a couple tries before people were tired and had to go to bed. I think we would've definitely downed that sucker if we'd kept going though.
The only problem was I kept dying. Quite often. I got the light bomb during XT-002 and went down. Then Kologarn gripped me within the first 10 seconds of the fight and I died. And then I managed to stay alive for all the other bosses, but I think I died at least 3-4 more times on the trash pulls.
When I get hit for 25k by some exploding trash or I get caught in an AoE at half health, ok I probably deserve to die for jumping in without thinking. But when I died during XT-002 and Kologarn, I can honestly say it was not my fault. I have no control over those "special attacks", and all that can be done is to heal the bejesus out of me...which no one seemed to be doing.
Yes, I know the healer can only heal so many people and all, but this was never a problem in the old guild, because I was always top healing priority after the tanks. Everyone always made sure I was topped off at full, always had HoTs on me, always the first to get a battle rez if people went down. Not to toot my own horn here, but I was usually doing more DPS than anyone else, sometimes doing twice as much as the next guy. So yeah, keeping me alive was important.
I guess I can't really blame the new guild for healing the "veteran" members over me. Especially when I jump into fire like an idiot most of the time with low armor and low health. And maybe it was just bad luck that I happened to get the light bomb or got stone-gripped. And I guess healers need to play with you for a bit to really get a sense of what type of player you are, and know how much or how little healing you require (I require lots!).
Well, tonight is ICC and I hope I get a spot. I was putting some pretty good numbers up on the recount charts, even if I was dying left and right. No longer at the #1 spot all the time, but hey I've got something to work towards.
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