As the title suggests, I finally got some ICC action. Not just rep-grinding, but some actual boss fights!
On Friday night I log in and the first thing I see in trade chat is "LF 1 more melee DPS for ICC10". I messaged him right away and scored an invite! Turns out it's a full guild run except for me. They were all pretty well geared (5-5.5k), plus it was a guild run so I had high hopes for it. And those guys did not disappoint.
Lord Marrowgar was a total breeze - these guys were really on top of it. No one died and we downed him on the first try! One thing I discovered is that it's actually a lot easier to avoid the coldflame trails if you're moving around as little as possible. Try to stay a bit further away from the boss if you can (unless he charges you, in which case just run like hell), that way you can see where the coldflame is going and just sidestep it. In pugs I've seen so many people just flipping out and running for their lives whenever Marrowgar starts bonestorm and end up getting hit by 2-3 coldflames. Not effective, people. Try a more zen-approach here.
The cloak dropped and no one was rolling for it so I said, what the heck and rolled. They were nice enough to give it to me even though it was a guild run and they could've easily said "we're DEing this, sorry" and I wouldn't have even made a fuss. I was just happy to down Marrowgar and get +250rep and 2 frost badges! With that rep I was finally friendly with Ashen Verdict and I got my ring!
We got to Lady Deathwhisper - again, downed on the first try with no deaths. I didn't really know the fight but I saw adds coming up so I DPSed them down, and went on the boss whenever I could. When her mana shield went down her aggro table was really weird - she kept coming after me. I had to vanish, ToT and feint constantly but we made it. 2 bosses down!
Gunship battle was SO MUCH FUN! I got to be in the guns, and that was a breeze. Basically mash 11111 then 2 then 111111 then 2, rinse and repeat. Occasionally go on the adds, but other than that, who doesn't love a little first-person shooter action?
Saurfang was not quite what I expected - I kept hearing that it was a complicated fight, but when I told them I didn't know what to do they just chuckled and said, "You get right behind the boss and DPS the hell out of him the whole time. Don't move, don't do anything other than whoop his ass." I said, "well I can do that." Adds kept spawning and he did some AoE damage but for the most part, yeah I just stood right behind the mofo and gave him a taste of my 6.5k epic DPS (lol). We wiped anyways, and on the second try I got the "mark" and they all shouted "RUN TO THE GUNSHIP!! GET IN THE GUN AND STAY THERE!!!!" so I did that and avoided dying. We wiped again (clearly due to lack of DPS), but on the third try we got him. I got the achievement (Storming the Citadel)!!!
We went on to the next part and wiped a couple times on Rotface before we called it quits. They were talking about trying again the next night so I eagerly said I'd be there. Saturday night rolled around and they actually did invite me back and we downed Festergut (we wiped a bunch of times on Rotface) and when Gutbuster dropped, they graciously let me have it! I had to leave afterwards, but I ran into a couple of the guildies in a PuG Sunday and they told me they got Rotface eventually.
Wow, what a long rambling recount of my point is, that this guild seemed to be mostly adults (they were talking about beer a lot - like, good microbrew beer, not the shit college kids drink). They seemed to be well-coordinated. People seemed to listen to instructions. They were prepared, they were geared, they were pro. Compared to my current guild...we can't even down ToC at the moment. And with the old guild master taking a break, it seems like we can't even get 10 people together to attempt a raid these days.
At the end of the run on Saturday I again offered to DPS for them whenever they were short 1 person. One of them extended a guild invite and I smiled and told them maybe. I think I'll try to chat up the GM tonight and see if they're recruting - wowarmory shows that they're short on rogues so I've got my fingers crossed.
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