Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Fun times in normal mode!

So I'm helping my fiance gear up these days. He's not quite at 80 yet and I keep telling him the best gear and best xp comes from dungeons. And as a healer, he should really be learning how to play in a group instead of soloing all the time.

He's actually taking my advice as of late - but people in random dungeons are assholes sometimes. God knows I've seen enough of them - cocky attitudes, DPS facepulling, tanks blaming heals, heals blaming tank, the list goes on and on. As a way to help him out I've been queueing with him as a party for normal northrend dungeons with my geared 80 rogue.

Last night in Drak-Tharon Keep we entered that little room right before Trollgore. The pally tank seemed to be waiting for me to go, so I popped tricks of the trade on the pally, ran in and pulled everything in the room with fan of knives. Within seconds I see the tank die...oops. Then apparently I pulled Trollgore too somehow, and he runs down the stairs at us.

I thought, "dang, this will be embarrassing if we wipe." Luckily we made it without anyone else dying and Trollgore went down pretty quick along with his minions. As my sweetie pie was rezzing the tank I noticed the sword icon next to his name...oops. Apparently there were 2 pallies in the of them was DPS. I'd been directing all my threat to the wrong guy :P

See, if I'd done that as a non-80 people would've cussed me out and kicked me from the group from the get-go. Apparently when an 80 does it, though, no one minds? The moral is to make sure the tank is actually the tank!

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