Thursday, March 11, 2010

Breaking up is hard to do

I'd been saying for a while I'd do it, and I finally did it last night! I left my old guild and joined a new one!

There was really no point in my being in that guild anymore because I simply wasn't having any fun with them. I used to raid with them every night and I had fun doing it, but I don't know...doing Ulduar and ToC over and over again got old after a while. I knew I was ready for ICC or some 25 mans and I knew the guild wasn't ready (nor would they be for a while...). And if there had been signs of progress then I might have held out, but we were clearly going backwards, not forwards. The geared people were leaving and moving on, and those that weren't geared were clearly doing nothing about it. There is really only so many times I can wipe on beasts of northrend before I just stop going, period. Especially when I've cleared it with a pug and know that with the right people it's not hard to do.

I whispered my GM and let him know, and the whole experience was a little bizzare. I felt like I was breaking up with someone more than anything. Here's a shortened transcript of our conversation:

Me: So I think I'm leaving the guild.
GM: What? Why?
Me: It's not you guys, it's me...
GM: Is it because we can't clear ToC?
Me: No, it's not the guild's fault, you guys are really's just that I'm overgeared for the raids we do and I'm ready for ICC.
GM: Are you sure?
Me: Yeah, I'm really sorry. You're a good GM.
GM: Is there another guild?
Me: I might join another one...not sure yet.
GM: Well you'll still keep in touch, right?
Me: Of course, pst me if you ever need anything.

Hehe, sounds like a very cliche breakup from a sitcom or something...

Anyways, after this exchange I hit /gquit and an ex-guildie messaged me saying "people can't believe you actually left the guild!" I felt bad, now they're going to have an even harder time filling slots for raids. Plus they helped me out a lot before by taking me along on raids I wasn't geared for and offering a lot of good advice. But all in all I think I've more than repaid my debt by being a good guildie, showing up to raids every night and keeping a stiff upper lip (at least to the guild) most of the time. Plus for the last month or so I've been doing raids that really don't benefit me at all - experience or gear-wise.

I messaged one of the guys from the guild I pugged ICC with last week and he sent me an invite right away, so now I'm officially in guild #4...first two don't count though, never did anything with them. So this would be my second real raiding guild. Their raid schedule looks a little more manageable too (3 nights a week instead of 6). I hope I make a good impression on people tonight!

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