Again our guild wrapped up about 2.5 hours of raiding with 0 victories, and about 20 wipes. I blame our guild master entirely, because he was absent for the raid. Apparently had more important priorities than leading his loyal guildies to victory! Wha???
We attempted Freya, which actually didn't go too badly. The adds spawned much faster than I thought they would, and pretty much overwhelmed our undergeared tank. We almost got her healing buff below 50 stacks, but that was the best we could do. After 5-6 wipes people had had enough of Freya. We moved onto the a different part of Ulduar, where we wiped on the first trash pull...twice.
After that we were all sick of Ulduar, and decided to attempt EoE. Again, we wiped several times before even getting Maly to phase 2. We gave up eventually and I tried to do a quick pug before the raid reset, but the VoA 10m group I got in was total FAIL. I don't think our tank knew what he was supposed to do. And seriously, attempting Toravon with a GS of 4200??? Are you kidding me?
Every single day I hear people QQ that there are not enough tanks. Everyone else has to wait 15 in the random dungeon queue whereas tanks get in instantly due to the shortage. But I swear, every wipe we had last night was because the tanks were 1.) undergeared, 2.) had no clue about the fight, and 3.) didn't know how to manage aggro for shit. Being undergeared isn't related to skill, and I guess if you've never done the fight before you're more or less clueless, but #3...managing threat, that's inexcusable. Your job is to draw the most threat and make things attack you. If you can't make that happen, I'm sorry but you're just a shitty tank. Especially if I'm popping every single threat-reduction ability I have and hunters are MD-ing you left and right, and you still can't hold threat, then you just FAIL as a tank.
I QQ too that there aren't enough tanks, but it's gotten to the point where any old crappy tank think they can go into a raid with half a brain and 4k GS and expect to survive. Even worse if they blame it on other people, and people accept that kind of bullshit. Just because there aren't enough tanks doesn't mean everyone else has to just take whatever they can get and gimp their DPS or direct all heals to the tank and let the raid eat insane amounts of AoE damage. I mean come on, you can't even hold threat on trash??? That's just pathetic.
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