Monday, March 1, 2010

A Case of the Mondays

Heh, Mondays have become exciting days for me recently. Ever since our GM flipped out and declared "NO PUGGING", the only days I can sneak in a 10man PuG are on Mondays. Since the raids reset on Tuesday, I don't have to worry about being saved to anything.

Plus on Tuesdays there's a new weekly raid quest to look forward to (5 frost badges!). Wednesdays are "lazy days" for the guild (ie no guild raids scheduled) so I get to PuG 25mans all night. Usually I get something nice from VoA 25 (at least some badges) and last week I scored a sweet new weapon from 25m ToC!

I also got a first glimpse into ICC the other night - it was a fail group trying to do a rep run. It took two hours to farm about 1500 rep, so I'm not even at friendly with Ashen Verdict. Whenever we wiped a healer would leave and we'd spend 20 min trying to PuG someone else. But hey, at least I got to see what ICC looks like! Those big skeleton patrols hit like a freight truck, btw - I accidentally got in front of a cleave and it hit me for 13k...curse you leather armor! Anyways, that adds ICC to the list of raids I can pug for now.

Sigh. More and more I find myself juggling work and chores and personal life to fit my raid schedule. It's fun even though I know it's all just pixels and wasted time. But I am a little sad that I no longer have time to make a lasagna from scratch or to watch my favorite TV shows, or to sit across from my finace at the dinner table to enjoy a meal.

If only there were a few more hours in the day...

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