Friday, March 5, 2010

That Arthas is a beast

It's been a couple months (I think) since the ICC heroic dungeons were released...I remember when it first came out the huge step-up in difficulty was like, WHOA. And of course the gear that dropped was also like, WHOA! The first one I ever did was FoS and the Heartshiver dagger dropped and I was squealing with joy for like an hour! I mean, it was an upgrade from the Librarian's paper cutter for god's sake...

I did heroic HoR only once, before the new patch made it impossible to hide behind the Lich King. Since the new patch came out, I've tried heroic HoR 3 or 4 times but never successfully completed it. The Lich King escape was just so brutal - the first 2 waves are alright, but then you start struggling a little and the LK is coming closer and closer...absolutely terrifying. Some groups didn't even make it past Falric and Marwyn.

But last night I was lucky enough to get in with a pretty elite group! I actually got into HoR earlier that night but we wiped just before Marwyn and had all left. I got into another random dungeon and ta-da! It was Halls of Reflection once more.

The tank wasn't that geared (5k GS), but man, everyone else in there...5.7k GS healer, 5.5k GS hunter and DK...myself at 5.2k. It was pretty amazing how fast the mobs went down. DK would just death grip things left and right (to save the "undergeared" tank some headache I assume), the hunter was doing twice my DPS. And that healer was just plain epic. Throwing giant crit heals all over the place without even making a dent in his mana pool. We managed not only to escape the lich king, but to get the achievement as well (for escaping in 6 min!!!).

My proudest moment was during the last 2 waves of adds. The tank and DK were both busy tanking the abominations, and I saw the witch doctor casting shadow bolts at the heals. So I stunlocked that mofo in true rogue fashion. As long as you keep interrupting the casts they basically do no damage! Kidney shot FTW!

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