My main is a rogue and I love her dearly, but I started a paladin alt a couple months ago. I figured either I could spend time trying to get as many achievement points as I could, or start an alt now that I didn't have much more to do with my main except a few dailies and raiding.
The playstyle is completely different from when I leveled my rogue. As a rogue with puny hit points and armor, I had to constantly stealth and sneak around, trying to catch mobs one-on-one. I could never solo any group quests or bring down elites anywhere near my level.
With my paladin, though, I constantly do my best to aggro as many mobs as I can possibly handle - usually 4 or 5 at a time. Being protection-specced and having heirloom gear helps, yes. But still, it's pretty insane how much more damage I can take as a prot pally, even at low levels. I revisited all the quests that I could never solo with my rogue (king bangalash quest, the silithus deathclasp quest, etc) and easily completed them on the first try. Oh and did I mention I can heal myself, or in emergencies press a button to heal myself to 100% AND like regain 1/4 of my mana? I certainly don't go through potions like I did with my rogue, I can tell you that.
I hit level 58 last night (finally!!!), so I can quest in outland now! I've been dying to run some instances to practice tanking - I actually enjoy it, even though it's a little stressful at times. The only problem is that I've never been very familiar with the old-world dungeons so I only did a few of them...trying to do sunken temple when no one in your party knew where to go...not fun. But I've been run through a few outland dungeons and I'm definitely familiar with most of the Hellfire citadel and Coilfang Reservoir ones. So I'm eager to practice my tanking there. And the gear upgrade from azeroth to outland is a big jump so I'm looking forward to replacing my crappy greens!
Soon, maybe in like a couple weeks if I have the time, I'll be able to get her to northrend where I know ALL the dungeons like the back of my hand. And with being a tank and all, I'll get into dungeons instantly, so I'll just be leveling through dungeons (which in my opinion is quicker than questing due to less downtime...not to mention more fun). Then I'll hit 80 and not be a noob anymore for having just one 80!
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