There's a hunter in my guild who seriously gets invited to every single raid we do -a while ago I noticed that his DPS was absolute crap. He was doing like 1.7k in Ulduar while I was topping 7k on the same fight. I looked at his gear and nearly pooped bricks. He was wearing a ilvl 146 green item, had no gems or enchants on most of his stuff, and was wearing a +spellpower ring???
Like, are you shitting me here? I mean, come on. Even the barest minimum dirt-cheap enchants and gems are better than nothing. This is the kind of guy that the GM needs to pull aside and coach and tell him how to gear up, and not invite to any raids until he gets proper gear and gets all his shit enchanted and gemmed.
Good gear isn't even that hard to come by these days. Go run 5-man ToC or ICC dungeons for a couple days and you'll be in full epics. Why is he wearing a green cape???
Maybe this is why our guild fails raids (and fails in general as of late). Because the GM or any officer doesn't bother to look at what gear people are using. When we wipe he doesn't look at what might actually be the root causes. Instead he rages at everyone to learn the fights. Why should I be getting yelled at when I'm doing triple the DPS of some fail-ass huntard who's doing nothing but dragging everyone down?
Ugh, anyways, this is why I pug. At least in a pug I know if someone's doing shit DPS he'll get kicked and I'm not forced to play with them. At least I know we have SOME chance of downing a boss. This is why I pugged 3 raids last night!
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