My guild has been trying to clear Ulduar for about...oh, almost two months now. We seem to be stuck in a rut, to be perfectly honest.
When I first joined the guild I was level 78 or 79. The minute I dinged 80 they took me along on raids. We did OS, Vault, and started clearing Naxx 10. Within like two weeks we had cleared Naxx. I thought, "Wow, this is awesome! My guild rocks!"
Heh, then we began on Ulduar...we snuck in some Ony and OS here and there, but for the most part we've been focusing on Ulduar. It's been mainly Ignis and Assembly of Iron that's been hindering our progress. The other bosses we could take down with no trouble, but those two...basically whenever there was anything other than tank-and-spank going on, people couldn't get it right (myself included). Inexperienced tanks, healers not paying attention, DPS standing in fire, etc etc.
Anyways, yesterday we had a small victory - we downed Assembly of Iron! We'd done it before I believe, but usually right before the raid reset and the next week we'd be back to square one. But last night we finally got to see the Conservatory of Life!
For the first time since I've joined this guild the raid leader (also guild master) said, "guys, I don't know the fights in this place." We aggroed some big tree thingy, wiped, then decided to call it a night. But still, I think everyone felt pretty pumped. Being in a new area with a new boss we haven't attempted 40 times before, and having to learn a brand new fight instead of wiping over and over on something you know how to's pretty exciting! Our GM said he'd even extend the raid lockout so we don't have to go back to Assembly of Iron (ever agagin, hopefully).
We're aiming for a full clear of Ulduar this week. Then hopefully we'll move onto ToC, which I know everyone is antsy to get to. Hopefully the raid attendance will go up too, with everyone wanting to get their hands on ToC gear. As for me I've got my fingers crossed for something to get my expertise rating up!
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