You fail at ganking me. Me. ME.
I'm the mother of all baddies when it comes to pvp. I won't list all the humiliation I've suffered while getting ganked, trying to gank, getting ganked while trying to gank, getting ganked while running away from being ganked, getting ganked while AFK, getting ganked while flying, getting ganked in Tarren Mill, getting ganked at the graveyard, getting ganked right before getting ganked and getting ganked right after getting ganked.
My point is, I am really bad at pvp and I avoid it like the plague. My main is a rogue and I think it's arguably the best and worst class at pvp. If you can catch someone by surprise, we are awesome at taking them down (unless they wear plate...). We have stuns, we have burst, we sneak around. But getting caught unaware, especially by a kiter, is a miserable experience for a rogue.
But enough about that, I'm not here to talk about my rogue. I'm here to talk about my pally. My protection-specced tank pally.
I'm doing the dragonmaw dailies a few nights ago. I had just pulled the high shaman (level 84 elite) and like 4 of its adds. I'm sitting there fighting 5 mobs, one of them elite, when a ghoul starts beating on me. I ignored it but sooon an ally DK comes over and starts whacking on me as well! So I started to fight back. And killed him before I went right back to fighting the 5 mobs who politely waited for me to finish pvp'ing.
Mind you, he got pretty close - got my hp down so low I had to use lay on hands! But you silly DK, don't you know that I can heal myself using WoG, which consumes no mana but uses holy power, which I generate just by attacking you? Silly DK, don't you know that I can heal myself through autoattacks alone? Silly DK, don't you know you can't kill a prot pally?
I looked him up on armory and lol'ed even harder - nearly full pvp gear, and over 10 item levels higher than mine. Better luck next time!
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