Is probably the day I roll a healer. Meaning never.
I don't like taking advice in general, but I admit I haven't played the game as long as some people have and there are things out there that I'm sure would be beneficial for me to learn. But seriously, don't tell me how to play a rogue unless you play a rogue. By rogue I mean a level 85 rogue that has cataclysm raiding experience, ok?
I might not know everything about wow, but I know enough to play a rogue pretty damn well. I know the rotations (even if I sometimes forget to backstab at 35%!), I know optimum itemization, I know the stat priorities, and I know how to kick a lot of ass. So naturally it irks me a little when a arms dps warrior (apparently arms is ok for raiding now, but I still consider it pretty fail - why WOULDN'T you roll fury for raiding???) tells me I have the wrong glyphs.
Excuse me, mr. barely-there 10k dps, but elitist jerks told me these glyphs were the best, and I'm quite inclined to believe them. How nice of you to link that glyph for me, but I have no interest in using it. Honestly, I should never need more than 60 seconds of sap because things should be dead by then and the tank can pick up the add when sap breaks. There's plenty of other utility classes who can long-term cc. Plus if a raid of 25 people can't kill a focused mob within 60 seconds, that's pretty fail right there. Don't ask me to waste dps so I can earn you 20 more seconds of faildom.
Ugh then later in the night he gives me flack for not having the best-in-slot enchants. Seriously? Maelstrom crystals are about 2k per pop. So if I were to get the BiS enchants for both my weps, that would be about 20k gold. Is it really wise to spend that much to enchant something that will become obsolete in the next three months? Not to mention when the next patch hits, epics will drop from heroic dungeons and maelstrom crystal prices will plummet. All for what? Like a 100-200 dps increase? No thanks, I'm just fine being #2 on the recount charts (can't beat those damn warlocks these days).
You can go ahead though, your numbers look like it could sure use a boost.
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