So I'm thinking about getting myself a [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]. I've never had a legendary before, and this will be the easiest of the legendaries to get, I think. Here is my rationale:
Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker
Pros: Stylish lookin'. Rogues can equip it. You can link it in trade chat for hours on end.
Cons: Requires multiple runs of Molten Core. Requires either $$$ or hours of farming in Blackwing Lair.
Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros
Pros: BoE, so technically can be purchased for shitload of $$$.
Cons: Oh so many. First off, 2H mace, unequippable by rogues, and therefore will not reward the Feat of Strength achievement. Requires multiple MC runs due to very low drop rate from Ragnaros (RNG mechanics.../rage) for required item. Requires extensive farming or $$$.
Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian
Pros: No longer obtainable in the extra points if you somehow get it!
Cons: Um, no longer obtainable. Also unequippable by rogues as 2H staff. Looks like a giant chicken drumstick.
Twin Blades of Azzinoth
Pros: Serious style points. This looks SO. BITCHIN. Especially on a dual wielder like a rogue, this looks incredibly badass. Also, no need to collect materials, as it simply drops from Illidan Stormrage.
Cons: Very low drop rate from Illidan, final boss in Black Temple - end-game BC raid. Hence un-soloable by a rogue, no matter how badass. Very low droprate. Need to get both of the warglaives to complete the set.
Thori'dal, the Star's Fury
Pros: Again, really badass looking. Drops from Kil'Jaedan in Sunwell Plateau.
Cons: Nice looking, but how often do rogues whip out a bow? It's not normally displayed on your char...Very low drop rate from a boss that's unsoloable by a 85 rogue.
Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings
Pros: Rogues can equip it, it's sparkly!
Cons: Err...caster mace, hence useless (not that you obtain legendaries for utility, but just sayin'). Requires multiple clears/farms of 25man Ulduar. Not even close to soloable by a rogue, probably need at least 10-15 really geared people to clear Ulduar even at this point.
Pros: Badass axe. Nuff said.
Cons: 2H axe, cannot equip *sadface*. Also requires multiple clears of ICC & a pain-in-the-ass extended questline. Cannot solo, not even close.
So yeah, given that I want to be able to get all these without having to resort to pugs, I'd say the post-BC weps are all out of question. Ideally I'd love to get the twin blades of azzinoth but there is just no way I can solo black temple. Even with the help of a healer I just don't think it will happen - I believe there's a mind control encounter which means I'll just get MCed and kill the healer. Whenever there's MC you need to either have 1 person or more than 2. This is why we couldn't solo Hakkar in ZG - that damn MC mechanic.
So I suppose I will have to stick with Thunderfury. I didn't think it possible since MC is still quite tough, but I found some videos of a 85 rogue soloing MC! His gear was pretty good, although not full epics, and he came close to dying at the last boss. I think it can be done. Thunderfury here I come!
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