Well, you knew it was probably going to happen. What else could be the outcome when you're in a raiding guild that you joined in order to raid but doesn't actually raid anymore? I said I'd stick it out for a bit, and two days after I said it I app'ed to another guild and got in right away.
This new guild seemed like a good fit - ~300 members, a bit larger than the old guild (which has rapidly declined in numbers in the last month or so), advertised as mostly 18+ adults, decent progression without being too hardcore, etc etc. Uses the EPGP system which was foreign to me but as long as they're not playing favoritism with loot or giving out rogue stuff to hunters or DKs I'm happy.
I got into the guild and the first thing I notice is...an idiot. An absolutely moronic asshat. This guy seriously won't shut up and is spamming guild chat with "why do women have arms? Why don't women need shoes?" type of jokes. Now there are very few women jokes I appreciate, and only when it's actually clever and only when told by another woman. The last thing I need is some douche spamming my chat box with feeble, heard-it-before lame sexist jokes. So I put him on ignore.
That was the first warning sign. Next up was a jackass who thought it would be funny to hop onto his ally and gank people in his guild. Then proceeded to brag about how he used to be so good at wow, how he "almost beated the game back in vanilla". Yeah, those are his words (and grammar), not mine. Apparently he went to prison which I can almost believe given his poor grasp on the english language. But my guess is his paraents cut off his wow account for a few months and he is pretending to be some sort of badass. So I called him a jackass and put him on ignore as well. Second warning sign.
The third was the quality of applications they were receiving (and accepting). I put a bit of thought into my app, giving detailed answers and even linking a parse meter. I thought these guys were a serious guild. But after I joined I noticed that pretty much any application was being accepted. The people who got in seemed to be ok raiders, but I question their committment. The kind of people who put no thought into their applications are generally guild hoppers. They scribble an app, get into a guild, raid a few times then repeat the process with another guild once they think they've got enough gear from their current one. It definitely speaks for the quality of the guild when they indiscriminately accept applicants just to fill their slots.
With all that being said, yes I have my reservations but I am still in the guild. I only raid 2-3 nights a week which isn't too much time I'm forced to spend with a few idiots. The guild leader, his girlfriend and a few others are actually very nice and mature people, and I won't let a few bad apples spoil the whole experience for me. Most of the asshats are already on my ignore list anyways. And when it comes to crunch time people generally seem to know what they're doing and how to play their class. The damage output is good, healers are on their toes at all times, and I don't see anyone standing in fire too often. We downed 7 bosses doing 25mans for the first time last week!
Was I happier in my last guild? Definitely. I was there for almost 9 months. I got to know some people rather well, I was comfortable enough to crack jokes over vent and run dailies with them and take it easy. Here, I don't feel like I fit in as well. But that's ok, I'm here to raid a few nights a week and not much more, to be honest. Who knows, these asshats might grow on me. Maybe my old guild will pick raiding back up again. Maybe I'll just stop playing wow and get on with studying for the GREs!
HA! If only...
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