On nights that the guild doesn't raid, there really isn't much for me to do. I can't really work on getting gear because there are no more upgrades I can buy or farm. The only +agi leather bracers drop from Magmaw, and that's usually the first boss we down on Tuesday nights. It hasn't dropped yet so basically I'm waiting for that from week to week. The rest of my gear is either BiS or near-BiS epics. Until heroics there are really no more upgrades for me.
I don't really do dungeons since there is nothing for me to buy with valor points. Although I did grind a few dungeons to get enough for the BoE shoes for my hubby (you're welcome honey) - being a noob I accidentally bought leather caster boots for a priest and had to exchange it via auction house. But in the end it all worked out and now I have no motivation to run more dungeons. Sure I could buy more VP boots and sell them, but I'm pretty loaded at the moment...
I just maxed out my archaeology last night so I'm not really motivated to work on that. I do want to get my sandstone drake eventually, but when I see that my 4 digsites are literally on all four corners of the map and none of them are in Uldum, it's reeeeeally hard to work up the energy to take a 15min flight path somewhere to dig. Archaeology is so boring, to be honest, and so far I haven't seen any truly great rewards from it.
Which brings me to the point that I've been working on alts mainly. I've got a warlock and warrior ready for outlands, but I decided to finally get my pally and shammy to 85 before I touch the other two. I've only levelled them to 83 so they could go to Uldum and farm herbs and ore nodes, but I decided to put a little more effort into it.
I had the day off Friday and in about 5-6 hours I was able to get my 83 pally with crappy quest rewards all the way up to 85 and geared enough for heroics! I honestly don't understand what all the fuss was all about regarding getting geared for heroics. People used to QQ a lot about how it was impossible to get any gear for heroics because normal dungeon groups were so atrocious...well, try getting gear though quests, rep grinds and AH! I assure you it's very easy. Finishing the Hyjal questline gets you about 1/3 into revered and unlocks several pieces of 333/346 gear. You will be able to hit at least honored with most other factions just by questing in the appropriate zone, unlocking most of the 333 pieces. If you're a pure class it kinda sucks (ie rogues only need agility leather gear and ONLY agi leather), but if you're a prot pally, it's alright to equip some off-set +str dps plate gear. AH prices have dropped quite a bit too so it's nice for filling in some gaps.
Well, now that I'm geared enough tank heroics...I'm scared to! I haven't even tanked a normal cata dungeon on my pally let alone heroics. It's rather daunting, what with the new changes requiring CC's on pulls and weird mechanics. I know all the fights as dps, but not as a tank. In wrath everything was a joke - I used to get all these super ICC-heroic geared dps who would pull threat constantly and just one-shot all the mobs anyways. I once had a DK with shadowmourne during a Gundrak run - he basically tanked and dps'ed the whole dungeon while healing himself. Ridiculous.
It won't be a total ROFLSTOMP FACEROLL type of experience. I'm going to be kiting a lot and picking up adds and assigning CCs...ugh. What a pain. I think I'll go gear up my shammy instead.
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