Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A funny thing happened in Uldum...

So I was farming some volatile airs on my level 83 paladin alt. Mind you, she's got terrible gear - all greens and a few low level blues from questing, no gems/enchants, not even fully glyphed. God knows if I even specced correctly, but she's protection.

I'm fighting one of the elementals when I suddenly get stunned. A level 84 rogue pops out of nowhere and begins to wail on me. Normally when someone catches me off guard I die, so usually I don't even try to fight back. So I alt-tabbed out to check my email for 30 seconds or so. When I tab back into the game....not only am I not dead, but my health had barely dropped.

So I thought, "well, shit. I'm not giving up that easily then" and started attacking back. Being prot specced, my damage is absolute crap and I don't have the rotations down pat, so I'm basically smashing buttons and using whatever is off CD. The rogue's health drops and drops (while mine stays above 90% the whole time) until he's almost dead and he vanishes and runs off.

After he ran off, I thought "well now that was interesting", and was about to go look for some more elementals when lo and behold, he ambushes me again! He managed to use all his bursts and get me down to about 20%, at which point I laid on hands! Hahaha, I'm sure his face was priceless if I had been able to see it. After that he runs off once more, and just to be safe I got on my mount. I wasn't sure how lucky I'd get the third time.

Flying around for a bit, I saw him so naturally I /lol'ed at him and /bye just to rub it in. But either that was the worst rogue of this century, or classes really need to be balanced.

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