Thursday, March 24, 2011

Nerfbomb this

Come on Blizzard. Nerf this already.

Now I don't want to join that huge throng of people QQing about how hard this expansion is. Most of these people are complaining about how hard heroics are, which I don't agree with. Yes, in the first 2 months of the xpac heroics are hard, and I imagine they're still hard for undergeared people and especially healers. But I can't remember the time I failed to complete a heroic (or even bothered to do one...). As expected, once you get the gear and some practice things are almost as easy as the Wrath shit.

But raids are a different story. There are basically no pugs going on, ever, due to the sheer difficulty of these so-called "entry-level" raids. Difficulty that is almost irrelevant to a player's gear level, might I add. These are one-shot mechanics we're talking about here.

Back in Wrath, Naxx was the entry level raid. How tough was that? Sure, some of the bosses towards the end were tough but there were a few raid bosses even a disorganized pug could easily get down. Hell, even in ICC pugs were routinely clearing 1/3 of the raid in the first few months.

Take for example now the cata raids: first bosses in Blackwing Descent are Magmaw and Omnotron. I would love to see a pug of inexperienced people downing Omnotron. That takes a skilled guild to coordinate. There are no one-shot mechanics but it does require very high raid awareness. Magmaw is ridiculous - even in a guild group we have idiots jumping on magmaw and going, "huh wuhappen?" and wiping everyone. What part of "no one but these two designated jumpers jump" do you not understand?

Bastion of Twilight: Halfus is a crapshoot. It could be the easiest fight or a nightmare - god forbid you get the mortal strike/time drake combo. That's pretty much heroic halfus right there and even guild runs fail on hard more halfus.

Throne of the four winds - possibly doable with a pug, but again you still have idiots falling off platforms and missing jumps. You need people with gear and at least some experience to override the forced enrage at phase 3.

What really ticks me off is the fact that even organized, geared guilds are having trouble with fights because of the stupid mechanics. One stupid move can screw up the whole raid, which in a 25man means there are 25 people who can wipe you. And they do.

Look at Maloriak - one bad interrupt screws up add sequence, off-tank dies, raid wipes. One mistimed spellsteal and boss heals 20%, you miss enrage timer, raid wipes. Look at Atramedes - one mistimed gong click, searing flame wipes the raid. One bad turn of the boss, breath attack drives up your sound bars, half the raid wipes.

Chimaeron is the absolute worst. As a dps it's one of the most boring fights. You just sit there as your hp ticks to 1 and pray to god someone throws you a heal before the next massacre hits. Then in phase 2 everyone is the healer - instead of stabbing face I'm sitting there popping potions and bandaging myself. Basically you go from having absolutely no control over your survivability to being exclusively responsible for your own survivability. And this just goes back and forth and the last phase is yet another stupid dps race. It's like a heart attack for your healers and a borefest for the dps. All it does is force people to off-heal since you need so much freaking healing, then the off-heals are not good enough to keep everyone up so you just wipe over and over again, people start blaming healers, healers blame dps for splash damage and everyone goes home upset.

It's really no fun for anyone if microsecond reflexes become more important than actual skill.

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