Monday, March 21, 2011

Ragnaros & BWL

Well, I gave it a shot...I solo'ed Molten Core!

I must say, after all the trepidation it was pretty anti-climatic. I re-specced to a "survival" combat spec, ie putting all the points into health regen, damage reduction, defensive skills. I even put a healing enchant on a sword just for molten core! After all that prep, everything was shockingly easy. The only part I had some trouble with (but didn't die!) was the packs of core hounds right before Magmadar. Who knew they would all respawn unless you kill them within 10 seconds of each other? Once I figured that out I just pulled one group at a time and everything went very smooth.

All in all, took me about 1 hour to kill every single thing in there. It was annoying having to run around since all the mobs were so far apart. I didn't use a single potion or bandage, and just healed myself through recouperation. Sadly, no [Bindings of the Windseeker] from Garr or Baron Geddon. But tons of old-school epics (including a piece from the nightslayer set! Rogue raid tier 1 here I come!), some still-valuable trade mats, and even a couple of BoE rares from Ragnaros himself. He was stupidly easy, btw. He just had more health than everyone else, I suppose, but my hp barely ticked past the 80% mark the whole fight.

Then I tried to do Blackwing Lair...big mistake. Apparently that's one of the few raids no one can solo, ever. It requires a complicated mind-control mechanic which means you need an absolute minimum of 2 people to clear that encounter. Very annoying. Which means I will have to drag someone else in there with me if I'm ever to collect the mats I need for my legendary weapon....maybe I'll just go buy them. It feels like cheating to say I soloed it when I had a healer with me...

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