Thursday, April 29, 2010

Here we go again...

So I changed guilds again...I think this is the 5th time overall, and the 3rd time I've switched guilds for a genuine purpose: to progress further in ICC.

I was looking around for a PuG when I saw "LFM dps ICC25 mostly guild run" - always a good sign, a guild sponsored run is much smoother and better managed than a 100% pug. Of course there's the danger that the guild will ninja your loot but that gives them a bad rep and hey, there's always the chance they'll ninja someone else's loot and not yours! Read my previous post "Are they really ninjas?" on my thoughts concerning ninjas...

Anyways, it was indeed a smooth run. I was the only rogue in the group so there was no danger of losing a roll on a really important drop (ie, dagger). The raid leader seemed really chill, wasn't yelling at anyone or freaking out about people DCing or dying...just seemed like a polite, fun dude. During the second boss I get a whisper from one of the guild guys: "we're short on rogues in our guild - msg me if you want to join us".

It was definitely tempting. I didn't see any Kingslayer titles but I knew this was a pretty big guild and judging from the general gearscores I could tell they had gotten further than my current guild. I told him I'd think about it. I walked away from that run with two pieces of new gear which they graciously insisted I take! After the raid broke up I messaged him back asking for a guild invite. He checked with the officers and presto - I was in a new guild!

Whenever I switch guilds I feel like an asshole. Yes, I pay $15 a month to play and I should do what I like and what makes me happy but's hard to shake off that feeling that you're betraying your old guild. Sure, I didn't know them for that long, a couple months or so, and I was certainly never buddies with them, but still. I changed to their guild so I could progress into ICC and now I'm ditching them for another guild for the same reason. I feel even more guilty now because that was the ONLY reason I left the guild this time. My ex-ex-guild was falling apart whereas my ex-guild is doing fine and actually making some progress in ICC, just not fast enough for me.

I'm sure they understand, but part of you does wonder if they now hate you just a little bit.

And of course, there's a bit of anxiety coming into a new guild. Will you get a spot at the next raid? Especially in 10 mans, if they've already got "regulars", will you get invited to run with them? Will they have alt 10 man runs that you can go on? Or are you doomed to wait around for 25mans week after week?

I know you need to earn your stripes. When you first join a guild there's no guarantees no matter how geared or skilled you are. There will always be older members who seem to get priority just for being the veterans. Somehow in my previous guilds I managed to get to that "veteran" status and there was always a spot reserved for me. But I've seen new people join the guild and complain about not being taken to raids - will that be me? I'm guessing at least for the first month or so, yes. I'll have to resort to more pugs, I suppose.

Then there is a feeling of awkwardness with the old guild members. I swear it's just like running into an ex. Will it be like that with the old guild? But then again I'm still friends with the GM from my first raiding guild. Did I mention that he's back to WoW? We chat for a bit and even did a pug together. It was pretty fun actually, but then again he had also left the old guild too.

I hope it all works out. But hey, if not that's ok too. There's lots and lots of guilds out there and cataclysm is coming out soon so I'll just kill the lich king once I'm level 85! I'll probably be able to solo that bastard by then.

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