Wednesday, May 5, 2010

These pants won't do at all!

I really miss the days when pretty much any item I got from a dungeon was a big upgrade. Like when I first got to northrend and started doing dungeons (before the random dungeon finder I avoided groups like the plague). Pretty much any old +agi leather piece that dropped was bound to be an upgrade from a crappy green quest reward.

But now, I'm getting to the point where I can't just equip any old piece that drops, even if it has better stats. I need to worry about stacking the RIGHT stats, not just agility, agility, agility like I used to (I used to stack stam way back when I was a real noob). Expertise caps, hit caps, poison hit caps, armor penetration and haste, crit's exhausting keeping track of them all. And trying to juggle all your gear so that you're not over-capping stats means even if a higher ilvl item drops, I can't just equip it! Because then oh no!!! Now I'm under the expertise cap and way overcapped on hit! Do I go spend ~800g to re-gem my gear and tweak my stats, or hold out on upgrading my pants until that exact piece that I desperately need drops another time?

Being a hardcore 80 has its drawbacks! It's nice to go to my level 12 alts and not have to worry about this stuff...OHMYGOD a green item I can equip! Hooray!

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