Thursday, April 15, 2010

For Honor!!!

You know, PvP isn't all that bad...I have to admit that my previous opinion on PvP came from: 1. the numerous times I've been ganked by a higher level player, and 2. the four times I was beaten mercilessly in warsong gulch.

I have to admit that the higher level BGs are a lot more fun. I did Strands of the Ancients for the first time and that was highly enjoyable. It felt like an actual battle as opposed to capture the flag - remind me again how capturing the flag will do anything for either Horde/Alliance? Anyways, I liked sitting in the guns and shooting at all those flimsy ally catapults. Mwahaha! Tremble at the might of my projectile fury!!!

And of course, Wintergrasp feels like a giant clusterfuck which is always fun too. I even did Arathi Basin, which was surprisingly fun. I do get a little more anxious because there are less people and all, but it turns out that I *may* not be as horrible at pvp as I previously thought. I was quite surprised at how many people were completely powerless against my clumsy stunlock. I was able to take down plate-wearers, and even brought down a paladain 1-on-1 all by myself! AND she used lay on hands too, so it's like I actually killed two paladins.

It may be that I'm good at pvp, but the much more likely explanations are probably one or more of the following:

1. I got lucky against a few noobish ally players with crappy gear
2. My gear is really really awesome - which I cannot lie, it is pretty badass
3. My fiance was playing with me and was right behind me the whole time healing me

I think it may have a lot to do with #3...I did keep wondering why my health was barely dropping...

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