Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I'm happy to announce that my guild has finally downed Rotface. Well, we've actually downed him before, but always after about 2 hours of struggling. But this time, I think the fight "clicked" with everyone and we were able to get him on the second try. And since Festergut is a piece of cake to us, we're now at a point where Putricide is our biggest hurdle in our ICC raid progression.

When a fight clicks, it's a beautiful thing. It truly is. There is a difference between downing a boss out of sheer luck and a well-executed, smooth endeavor. During the former people run around like chickens with their heads cut off, they're screaming on vent, running into fire, into poison goo, into adds...and somehow at the end of the fight the boss is dead and so is half of your raid. You know that is all luck, perhaps even a glitch of some sort.

But when people finally get it and they know what to do, there's a strange sort of serenity. People flow from one spot to another almost as if it's perfectly natural, like water flowing through a riverbed (zen moment). Occasional mistakes are made here and there, but no one is freaking out. The adds come out and are gracefully kited away to be killed out of sight. And vent is dead silent. No raid leaders screaming at you, no tank screaming for heals, no heals screaming about adds...it's absolutely quiet as everyone just functions as one unit. And it's a beautiful, beautiful thing when you're at that point.

Unfortunately we're not quite there with Putricide yet. But I think it's beginning to click. We got him down as far as 55% health...just 20% more and we would've had that fight. Next time, there's always next time...

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