Damn, last week was an excellent week for me, as far as loot goes. The guild ran ICC10, and on Lady Deathwhisper a sweet little trinket dropped - whispering fanged skull, +131 crit and chance to increase AP by 1100 on attack!!! No one else wanted it for some reason, not even the DK (although he had needle-encrusted scorpion, +114 crit, so that may have been overkill). I finally had something to replace my +hit rating trinket! Did I mention I was way overcapped on hit? It was somewhere near 700 at one point until I replaced some enchants and gems...
Then on Saurfang the cold-forged ring dropped so I got to swap out the ilvl 245 one. Not so much a big upgrade as far as gear score goes but still nice. I was hoping we'd finally clear the plague wing too since the night was still young (we cleared the lower spire in under an hour) but things sort of took a turn for the worst...let's just say there's drama in every guild. Sigh.
The really nice drop, though, was during an ICC25 pug. The leather boots dropped off Marrowgar and I rolled a 3...and ended up losing it to the druid who rolled 17. So I was pretty pissed. But then Deathwhisper dropped Heartpierce! And I rolled...100!!! I kind of felt bad for the other rogue who was still using his ilvl 232 daggers from ICC heroics but hey, that's how it goes.
I did all my random heroics, my weekly, both VoA raids and even got some ICC25 action, so now I'm up to 75 frost emblems. Just a few more and I can upgrade my stupid helm and bring down my hit rating some more.
What I really need, though, are new pants. Right now I look like my upper half is wearing one set, and my lower half is wearing a different set. It looks really stupid, though not quite a clown suit. Yuck.
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