The dreaded event, Children's Week is finally here!
Let me just say that Children's Week is the reason why I didn't think I would ever get the violet proto drake. Sure, I didn't even know about the world event achievements back when I was a noob (I recall brewfest was going on right when I joined and I thought it was part of the game all-year round). I didn't even realize you got a drake mount for completing all of them. So for my first year or so of wow the world events came and went and I managed to earn a few achievements here and there, simply by sheer luck.
Then I kinda got hardcore, and began to systematically check them off whenever each event rolled around. Then I saw the children's week one, and said forget it! The pvp achievement sounded absolutely nightmarish for someone who avoided pvp like the plague!
This year I decided to give it a solid attempt. I was encouraged by the fact that my husband, with his crappy computer that barely runs at 5fps, managed to complete all the BG achievements. It wasn't easy, he said, but I was further encouraged by reading a few forum posts talking about how horde and alliance will cooperate and help each other out just for the sake of getting the achievement.
So I steeled myself for the inevitable frustration, collected a few piece of pvp gear and marched my merry way into the battlegrounds. I had about ~1.5k resil and an arsenal of stuns, aggro drops, and most importantly, movement speed enhancements to help me out (ie glyphed sprint, preparation + sprint again).
The first one I managed to get into was Warsong Gulch, my least favorite BG ever. I saw most of the people also had their orphans out as well, so I knew I was at least in good company. I parked myself right in our flag room, and waited along with the 5 or so people assembled there. The alliance made an all-out zerg for the flag room and I died within minutes. By the time I had rezzed the flag was in the middle of the BG. I chased it down, dying a few more times in the process, until finally they capped it. I went back to the flag room, and to my surprise and joy I found another rogue in the middle of stunlocking an alliance player holding our flag! I helped finish him off and clicked that flag like a madman! And miraculously I got credit for it!
Next was eye of the storm, which made me nearly burst into tears on the first attempt. There was a shaman who had clearly come into the BG to grief the achievement seekers, by repeatedly throwing people off the flag platform with thunderstorm. I logged off, got my shit together, and on the next BG I managed to cap the flag not only once but twice!
Arathi Basin was a piece of cake - I happened to walk in on a poorly defended gold mine under heavy assault from the horde. I clicked the flag, got interrupted by a persistent paladin a few times, but in the end I capped it.
Alterac Valley took me three tries. The first was a fail - I had no idea where the stupid bunkers were, nor did I know where the flags you're supposed to click inside of those bunkers are. The second AV I managed to come into battle just as the horde were losing. On my third one lady luck was with me - I was deep in alliance territory, wondering what the heck to do now since both towers were capped, when I noticed that a tower near the horde base was repeatedly being capped and traded back and forth. I knew there was some alliance guy helping out. So I started to run back, but on the way I found a tower that was contested. I popped sprint and managed to get at the flag a split second before a mage did, and after a tense few seconds I capped it, earning the achievement [School of Hard Knocks].
Now only the Midsummer festival stands between me and the drake!!!
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