Someone in my guild pointed out to me the other day that you don't see many girls playing a rogue. "A decent rogue who actually knows what she's doing", he added.
I haven't really given it much thought until now, but yeah, it's more or less true. Racking my brain in search of all the wow players whom I know for a fact are females (vent confirmation), I can't think of a single rogue amongst them. In fact, if you just search for rogues on my server, I'll bet you most of them are male characters OR female blood elf characters. And when you see a female blood elf, 95% of the time it's actually a dude playing that char. Yeah, shocking but true.
So I've gone and made a list of all the characters I've seen/know of that are played by actual females, and here's the breakdown (counting only mains, unless they have a pretty actively raiding alt as well):
3 Shaman - all were resto/ele. No enhancement.
2 Paladin - Both dedicated holy spec. No prot/ret.
3 Warlocks - I believe either demo/affliction spec, not that it's important.
4 Mages - frost/arcane? Again, not important as all specs are DPS specs.
3 Druids - 2 bear tanks, 1 balance.
5 Priests - 1 dedicated shadow, the rest holy/disc.
No warriors, no DKs, and no rogues.
The conclusion that I draw from this is that:
1. Most girls prefer casting over melee. Not a single enh shammy, ret pally, DK, warrior, or rogue indicates that smacking things with a sword does not appeal to the ladies.
2. Girls like to heal. God, that's such a stereotype and sexist but it's true. In every guild I've been in the 1 or 2 girls we had were always healers. What is up with that?
I understand that the population I sampled isn't exactly the most comprehensive, but is rather disturbing that not a single girl I know who plays wow enjoys tanking or meleeing. Just shocking. Apparently I'm an oddball - I LOVE playing my rogue, I love playing melee characters (am I the only one in the world who enjoys playing an enhancement shammy?), and I enjoy tanking, to a degree.
I hate casting, too. I hate waiting for casts to finish (yes, 2 seconds is just too long for me) and I hate relying on mana. I hate being far away from the action and having to worry about mobs getting too close. I like to charge in and kill things, not nuke it from a mile away.
No, but seriously, what gives? Not a single rogue? Really??? I mean, REALLY???
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