Sigh...ever since patch 4.0, ie ever since the immediate pre-cata launch and the subsequent cata patches, warlocks have been a thorn in my shoe. Is that an expression? Yesterday I described a coworker as having "a fork in everyone's pie" - I think I made that one up. Anyways...
Before the cata patches hit, rogues were tops, at least in my guild. No one could top me in single-target DPS. Not even the most seasoned veterans, not even ret pallys, not even arcane mages, not even kitty druids. There were two other rogues in the guild (we did 25mans) and the three of us were always in top 5 damage for most boss fights (obviously not fights like gunship or valithira).
And that made sense, you see. Rogues can't really do anything else but DPS. We have no raid-wide buffs, we have very weak slows/traps/CCs, not that anyone used those in wrath. We have tricks of the trade and that's about it. Compare us with any other pure DPS classes like mages, warlocks, and hunters - we bring very little to the table. No mage food, no arcane intellect buff, no soulstones/healthstones, nothing. All we do is stab people but we are good at it!
Since the latest round of patches, however, warlocks seem to be dominating charts. And it's not even a small margin, whenever there's a warlock in the group the gap between the lock's damage and mine (always #2 behind the lock) is over 5% of total damage done. This just doesn't seem fair to me. There's nothing I can possibly tweak in my rotation, gearing, spec, gems, etc at this point to overcome that much damage difference. Maybe if I was decked out in heroic raid gear, but at the same gear level as the lock I feel like I should be doing close to equal damage. But that's not the case.
Which is why I'm kind of happy when there are no locks in the group. Then I get to see my name at the top of the DPS chart once more and I can rest easy knowing that even though I bring very little to the table, at least I'm doing 25% of the damage.
Maybe I should roll a warlock...oh wait, I have one...hmm. Time to dust off those heirlooms again perhaps?
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