But the insane title was like, a BIG lofty goal. You weren't gonna get this done in a matter of days or even weeks. There are really only a few of these kinds of feats in wow - the two that comes to mind is the Loremaster title and getting the violet drake for completing every single world event.
The problem with loremaster is that it's one thing and one thing only: do every quest you can possibly do. You might argue that there's variety in those quests, but that's not entirely true. I mean, 99% of all the quests in wow follows one of these formats:
a. Kill x number of mobs (or kill 1 special mob)
b. Collect x number of objects (either found on the ground or drops from mobs)
c. Escort a half-wit NPC from here to there
d. Go to this questgiver/Listen to the questgiver/Watch the questgiver do something
I mean, how many quests are there, really, that is actually exciting and different form this generic archetype? Don't get me wrong, I like questing as much as anybody, but not enough to go do 2705 quests (yes, that's how many it takes...not even counting cataclysm). Plus the title loremaster is a complete joke, given that no one actually reads any of the lore. If they did, they would still be reading it right now instead of finishing their quests. I swear, NPCs love to talk...
And the world event is actually one that I'm working on at the moment, but the trouble is that there's really nothing for you do work on during the 9 months out of the year where your wow calendar has no exciting graphics. Just the same old dull brown background - no easter eggs floating by, no pink heart lanterns, no christmas decorations, no spiderwebs.
A small project I'm planning is getting the sandstone drake (pictured below).

Ain't he gorgeous? The only problem is that he's not easy to come by - getting the recipe to make him (he's not actually a mount per se, you actually TURN INTO the drake - extra awesome points!) requires endless digging as well as a 525 skill in archaeology. Of course you could find someone who already has the recipe, but the mats alone cost upward of 30k+. Even if you farm everything yourself and use a goblin friend for discounts, it costs 23k in vendor mats alone. Similar to the mechano hog, it requires ridiculously expensive mats you can ONLY buy from vendors (ie blizzard gold sink). So yeah. I mean, it's not really a grind for me given that I do have a goblin alt and yes, I can afford the mats...but I'd rather try to get the recipe myself. God knows how long it will take me to max out archaeology.
What's new in store for this troll rogue? Will I succeed in becoming a sandstone drake or will I pussy out? Will I find something else exciting to do in wow? Or quit to the delight of my husband and friends? Only time will tell...stay tuned!
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