Ah, finally, I can use the title "the insane". Last Sunday at 12:06am server time, I was able to obtain this title by turning in roughly 60 darkmoon faire decks. I could've gotten it done sooner but alas the darkmoon faire only travels into town once a month.
A bit of my triumph was diminished by the fact that the title is MUCH, MUCH easier to get compared to before patch 4.0.1. You no longer need shen'dralar rep (probably saves you about 40 hours of a miserable grind & anywhere from 20k-30k gold). You no longer need to have honored with bloodsail buccaneers and exalted with the goblins SIMULTANEOUSLY. Meaning instead of killing booty bay guards, then having to grind Dire Maul quests over and over (it being one of the 2 repeatable quests that give goblin rep without lowering bloodsail rep), you can just go kill booty bay guards, then go kill pirates to your heart's content to raise the goblin rep back up. Ugh.
Of course ravenholdt and darkmoon faire are still time consuming and expensive, but nowhere near as exhausting as raising your goblin rep from 0/36000 hated all the way to exalted just by repeating the same quest over and over again. I suppose you do make some sweet moolah disenchanting the green items that drop and selling all that runecloth, but then again you no longer need to spend as much on librams, PBDs, etc...
Anywyas, QQing aside, I am very happy with my new title. I liked my kingslayer title but pretty much everyone has that title now so it was getting rather old. And now all I have left is to somehow dispose of 60+ darkmoon faire deck trinkets on teh AH...prices are crap at the moment!
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