Ah, loot. Let's all be honest here and admit that loot is the reason why we all get so focused on this game. Heck, any kind of RPG type game that involves character customization is centered around collecting better and better gear.
It's hard to put into words why loot is such a desirable thing. Yes, the obvious answer would be that better gear makes you more powerful. But once you're at the end-game stage of raiding, a few points of upgrade doesn't really impact your numbers. I mean, when you're facerolling through heroic bosses already, is it really going to make your DPS THAT much higher to have 5 more agility? This is basically what happened at the end of wrath - I joined a great guild after ICC had been out for over 6 months. By that point I'd farmed up pretty much the best gear available. Sure, I got a couple pieces here and there, but towards the end of it all I didn't even bother rolling for things that were an upgrade. Why spend ~500g getting new enchants and gems when it won't really matter?
This is the mentality I'm trying to adopt as we progress into Cataclysm. I try not to get fixated on gear. I try not to spend too much time farming or pugging in the hopes of getting something. I know that once patch 4.1 comes out, there will be all new raid content, and the current top-end gear will be obsolete, and there will be even better stuff for me to get fixated on.
Alas, I am only human (or should I say a Troll), and when an awesome upgrade drops during a raid, my heart can't help but skip a beat. Yesterday after we downed a boss, one of the best-in-slot agility trinkets dropped, and yes - I felt my pulse skyrocket. My hands were trembling as I typed in /roll.
My roll was pretty good, but in the end a hunter got it. I felt just a little twinge of that familiar sensation - the agonizing, soul-crushing, heart-wrenching disappointment of seeing someone else equip that item that would've been SO FREAKING EPIC for you.
But I fought it back, and remembered that within a few months I will look back on this gear and laugh at how crappy it is. Just like when we would raid Naxx for the weekly quest and I'd chuckle at the noobs rolling for ilvl 200 gear when I was decked out in 264 epics. And after a few seconds of disappointment and anger, itpassed and I was calm again. It is just pixels, after all. And later that night when I lost the roll for a sweet necklace to another rogue, I fought back my anger and sense of injustice (my dps was so much better!). Just pixels. Just pixels.
Although I have to admit that when I logged in this morning I ended up buying a BoE epic piece as a "consolation prize" for myself. It set me back 10k, but hey...just pixels right?
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