Have I mentioned that I am now quite wealthy in the world of warcraft? It's hard to say exactly how wealthy I am because it's not as if people go around touting how much gold they have all the time (although one guy did...he had the max limit you were able to have, which was something ridiculous like 2^32g (blizz uses 32-bit integers for their money programming, hence the power of 32).
Currently I am sitting at ~50k. Before I bought that epic chest I had even more, somewhere around ~62k gold. How did I get to be so rich? The best answer is Cataclysm. When a new expansion or even a new major patch hits, the prices for the new herbs, ores, leathers, fish, and other crafting mats skyrocket. Within a few months they drop to 1/10 the price, which is why it's important to get your share of the pie early on! I remember when the last lich king patch hit, I was able to sell a primordial saronite for ~1500g. By the time cata was about to hit, they were going for ~200g.
I've been primarily making money off of my alchemy skill. Sadly, as awesome as enchanting is, it is not really a huge money-maker at the moment. Whatever dusts and shards I get from DE'ing quest rewards doesn't get sold, but instead used to level my enchanting. At least I'm not spending insane amounts of levelling a profession, but there's no profit either. Though I do have some grand designs to make a killing with enchanting...stay tuned!
How does alchemy boost my finances you say? It's all about the transmutes, baby! The two huge money makers so far have been shadowspirit diamonds and truegold. I can take 3 each of the low level green cata gems (so 18 total) and make that into 2 shadowspirit diamonds. I have a jewelcrafting alt who can prospect the gems for me, so I simply buy stacks of obsidium ore (~50g per stack), which nets around 6-8 various gems per stack. So 3 stacks of ore will usually give me enough gems to transmute two diamonds, which go for 150g a pop. Thus I've just earned double what it cost me! Huzzah!
Throw in the fact that occasionally I get a rare blue gem during prospecting (~3-5% of the time) and the occasional proc, I'm making a pretty little profit here. Sometimes when ore prices drop to ~40g a stack, I buy them all up and hoard them. Conversely when diamond prices are low I hoard them until they go back up.
Truegold transmutes are also awesome, but they have a 24 hours CD so I don't get to make as many as I want. The starting mats are pyrium bars (purchaed from AH or smelted with my mining alt), 10 each of volatile fire (fished in Hyjal), water (gained through fishing), and air (transmuted from volatile life through alchemy). For about ~60g worth of pyrium bars, I can sell a truegold bar for ~700g. That's over 10 times the profit folks!
Truegold is annoying though in that I have to spend some time farming it. Plus the volatile air transmute is on the same CD so every 2-3 days I have to waste my CD on that as opposed to truegold. Although lately volatile air prices have dropped a lot, so maybe I'll start buying them rather than waste a valuable CD.
My next project is to either buy/prospect a lot of ore to get stacks of cheap greem gems. My JC alt can turn those gems into green rings, necklaces, and even fist weapons, which I will DE with my main and sell the dusts and shards. My calculated average costs are:
net cost (stack of ore) = 50g
gems per ore = ~7
items produced per stack of ore = ~2.5
hypnotic dusts per item = ~3
price of hypnotic dust = ~12g ATM
gold earned from dust = 90g
net profit = 40g per stack!
Not too bad. And that's not even considering that fact that occasionally you get 1-3celestial essences from DE'ing, which are worth even more $$! PLUS as I mentioned before, prospecting yields rare gems, and sometimes you will get a blue item from JC as opposed to cheap green ones. Those I will just sell for ~100g a pop as opposed to DE for dusts.
I bought up a lot of cheap ore just the other night, and I'm planning on putting this plan into action as soon as I have time. We'll see what the payoff is soon enough!
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