Thursday, May 27, 2010

Damn you professor.

Professor, sir, are a tough nut to crack.

I've gotten THIS close to downing this guy about 8 or 9 times now, and my just makes you want to rip your hair out. I've never encountered anything quite so frustrating. Seriously, we had him down to his last 100k of health last night when the last raid member went down.

When we did the fight with my last guild, we couldn't get him past phase 2. Phase 1 and 2 were hard enough because we could never kill the adds fast enough. Things would start getting a little shaky and BOOM! The green slime would kill off a caster then everything just went downhill. I used to think, damn if we could just get to phase 3 (where adds stop spawning), this will be a piece of cake.

Oh how wrong I naive and foolish of me...

It turns out phase 3 is an absolute nightmare. This is an intense DPS race and I guess we just didn't have enough of it. We have about 1 min to kill him off before the tank explodes (quite literally) and wipes out half the raid. And if even one person dies from this explosion, the professor gains 300k+ health. So even if half the raid survives one explosion, the professor has just healed himself AND they only have a few seconds until the off-tank will explode as well. Oh AND the professor has a buff that makes him stronger and stronger. Oh AND the room starts getting flooded with slime. Slime slime slime slime slime everywhere. EVERYWHERE.

How can I describe the heartbreaking agony of seeing that bastard's HP tick down to 1% only to die before you can score that one last critical strike that would've killed him? How can I put into words how everyone feels after we repeat this 4 or 5 times?

Morale is very very low on nights we do Putricide.

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