Thursday, May 6, 2010

If I had a million dollars

I'd take a month off work and play WoW. Obviously I wouldn't quit my day job - a million isn't quite enough to retire on these days. But gosh, I sure would like to be able to play WoW for days on end without being bothered with work and bedtimes and such.

I now have 4 alts, all fully decked out in heirloom gear and collecting dust in the barrens somewhere. I started all these chars with the intention of trying something new - healing, tanking, caster DPS, etc...and trying new, different professions and level in places I've never quested in.

The thing is, I only get like 2-3 hours per night to play. I log in with my main and it takes at least 2 hours (and sometimes much more) to do my daily random dungeon, do some daily quests, scan the auction house for some deals, do wintergrasp, maybe do a quick PuG or two...and this is on nights I don't raid with the guild. If there's an ICC scheduled, forget about it. I don't even have time to collect my 2 daily frost badges.

So by the time I'm done with my main it's already dangerously close to bedtime. I might log in with one of my alts and attempt to do a quest or two, but of course it's hard to make any progress in 15 minutes of WoW time. I could stay up till 1am and risk going to work the next morning half-asleep but alas, even I know that would be too irresponsible and detrimental to both my career and my relationship. Besides, I just can't function that way anymore (ah the good old days when I could stay up till 3 in the morning playing the sims and still show up for a 9am class).

Oh all the games I'd play if I just had one month to myself to do nothing else - no work, no bedtime, no chores...just one bad-ass quad-core processor gaming PC, a case of diet soda and me. Starcraft II is coming out soon and I'll cry if I can't make time for it.

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