Monday, August 16, 2010

Insane in the Membrane

That's the latest little WoW project I have going on. "Little" being a very loose term here...

For the past 6 months I've been drifting from guild to guild, constantly in search of better players, better progression, better consistency, etc etc. I've outgrown several guilds that weren't progressing as fast as I would've liked, and my current guild is pretty good, except they've decided to take a break. Which basically leaves me with my thumb in an unpleasant place.

Side note: I really miss my old guild. We raided 6 nights a week, I was part of the "core" group, the GM loved me...sigh.

Anyways, I usually like to level up alts instead of gathering achievement points, but this one really intrigued me. I'd been wanting to try it out but obviously it's a very daunting challenge. I mean, why else is there only like 4 people on the server with the title?

Having spent a few weeks on getting this title, I can tell you a couple of things.

1.) Having money helps. If you had endless money things would go a lot quicker. But I kind of enjoy the slow, seemingly endless grind in a bizarre self-destructive way. Having a good gold reserve is nice for filling in the gaps between all the things you're willing to farm/grind for. For example, I'm finding that librams are not that hard to come by. Pristine black diamonds (aka PBD, the bane of my existence) are definitely NOT easy to farm. I'm finding that dropping 2-300g on one of those is a good investment since it's such a rare drop. Time = money, right? Besides, I've been making a pretty penny selling all the enchanting mats I get from sharding the greens/blues I've been picking up. Not to mention all that runecloth. SO MUCH RUNECLOTH! I'm swimming in bolts of them.

2.) Having many alts help. Consider having at least 2-3 serious alts - by serious I mean not some level 1 toon with 1 bank slot. You should have 1 dedicated banker toon with the bank slots/bag slots maxed out. This will help a lot in keeping track of all the shit you need for the achievement, all the shit you'll want to sell on the AH, and everything in between. The other alt should definitely have inscription, if not maxed out at least at outland level. Darkmoon cards are really freaking expensive, with any purple deck going well over 500g on my server. Making your own cards will save you lots of money. Doesn't have to be an herbalist though, I've been routinely finding stacks of 20 outland herbs for <10g. Oh, and consider making a DK, powerlevelling skinning, and then collecting rugged leather.

3.) Having a friend helps - this is especially true for the bloodsail buccaneer rep. Try ganking booty bay guards by yourself. I guarantee you will die at least a few times when you're eventually mobbed by 12 guards (well, unless you're a paladin maybe). My man has been sending me any cheap PBDs, darkmoon cards, librams that he can find on the AH whenever he's on. He's also turned all my runecloth into bolts for me to sell. Needless to say, not everyone is as lucky to have a charming, ruggedly handsome troll priest helping them out, but seriously. Have a friend or guildie help you out with stuff like checking the AH for you while you're offline, or sharding greens you pick up. You get by with a lil help from your friends!

4.) Most importantly...switch it up a bit. I farm DM a few times, then I switch to an alt to gather herbs, switch to another to gather leather, while checking the AH in between the switches with my banker toon. It does not need to be one long boring grindfest. Take a break from routine and go kill some syndicate mobs. Take a break from herbins to go run strat/scholo for PBDs. Take a break from skinning to visit the darkmoon faire that's in town. Go grind scorpids for blood. Go pickpocket some junkboxes. There's literally so much shit that needs to be done for this achievement, there's no reason not to switch things around and give yourself a break from the same old DM run.

My projected timeline is to have this title by the end of the year. Will it happen or will I pussy out? Only time will tell whether I'm worthy of the title, "insane in the membrane".

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