My latest project is to level up a shaman to 80. I enjoyed playing the hybrid class when I levelled up my paladin - mostly because being able to heal yourself makes such a HUGE difference. Pallys and druids are, I think, the ultimate hybrids - they can heal, DPS, and tank all in one character.
I hear that when WOW first came out, shamans were designed to be able to tank as well, but blizz scrapped the idea due to balance issues. So now their role is limited to DPS and healing.
I guess I chose a shaman due to a relatively simple reason - they seemed to be in high demand. I often see trade chats asking for a shammy because of their ability to bloodlust. To be honest I think a good group doesn't need that last-ditch bloodlust boost but I guess people like having that safety net. Anyways they seemed like a fun class to play, what with high armor from mail and being able to use totems and such. So I made a troll shaman (I love trolls, I don't know why).
I got to level 50 as elemental, decked out in heirlooms of course. And I have to admit, it was a really tough grind. Tough in terms of being able to keep my interest in the character. I absolutely hate casting delays! Having to wait 2.5 secs to cast a lightning bolt?? My generation was raised on instant gratification and microsecond attention spans, I could not deal with that casting time.
I guess I only picked elemental because the gear requirements for elemental and restoration are very similar, and I wanted to be able to heal eventually. Everyone loves utility! But elemental was just not my style, I must admit. I found myself meleeing more and more often, and relying on my shock spells rather than channeled casts or lightning spells.
Well, so I struggled my way to 50 playing like an enhancement shaman, with the talent build of a elemental shaman, and it finally hit me - respec! I moved all my talent points into enhancement, and WOW. Suddenly I was a one-woman wrecking machine. With slow 1-hand dual wielding, amazing crits, windfury weapon, improved shock spells and + attack power, I could mow through mobs nonstop. When using only shock spells and instant melee spells, my mana barely dipped. If it started going down after a big pull, I just switched to water shield. With points into maelstrom weapon, I could pretty much instantly heal myself with my healing wind spells during big pulls. My crits were amazing - whoever has heard of a 900 crit at level 54?? I'm pretty sure my rogue didn't pull that much at level 60. Basically, I felt invincible.
I have 3 levels to go till outland, and all I can say it...I wish I had respecced a lot sooner. I might already be at 80 if I had been enhancement all the way.
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