Thursday, June 24, 2010

Upgrades, upgrades, they make me happy

Haven't posted in a while due to some personal issues. I had a shitty couple weeks that made me lose interest in WoW, and I thought "maybe I'm growing tired of WoW". Silly me. After playing for a couple hours I was hooked again.

Anyways, I got into a 1337 (l33t, leet, however you wanna spell it, apparently means awesome in some nerd language) PuG for ICC25. Someone was spamming trade chat for more people and I checked and found he was in Vanquish, one of the few Kingslayer guilds on the server. I psted him, he asked me a few questions I normally don't get from puggers. I mean, normally they ask for GS, and if you give them a number above 5.3k or so usually no more questions and you're in. But he wanted to see my achievements, asked me if I knew the fights, asked what kind of numbers I can put out on single-target fights...I answered them honestly because there are few things more embarrassing than saying you've done a fight and then getting the achievement for doing it the first time.

Anyways I scored the invite and things went really smoothly. Up until Blood Queen there wasn't even a single wipe. Some nice gear dropped, although I had most of them. The Vanquisher's mark dropped twice but of course I didn't win it...sigh. A dagger dropped and I didn't win it (but it was a 1.80 speed and I already have the best-in-slot for my MH wep so no tears there). On the Blood prince council the +hit helmet dropped! I tied with another rogue and we re-rolled and I won! I've been looking EVERYWHERE for decent +hit gear (without resorting back to ToC gear...yuck!) and I finally had something! Now I could swap out all my +hit gear and replace with +expertise gear, which meant I could swap out my +hit gems and +expertise gems for +attack power gems! I know kids, WoW is complicated.

Anyways during the blood queen fight someone asked about the NBA game, and I mentioned my boyfriend was watching it. Teehee, I know it's silly but I love being a female wow player sometimes. The excitement you can incite in these boys ages 12-20...the raid leader begged me to say something sexy on vent or no loot! XD

Blood queen didn't go too well because of the chaos than ensues when 25 people try to spread out from each other in a tiny room. But I walked away with lots of badges and a sweet new helmet. I bought a belt upgrade, swapped out my gems and now my gear score is 5956! Almost to 6k!!!

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