I've been giving some serious thought about joining a new guild. I've been in several different guilds now, all of them more or less "casual" raiding guilds. Well, one of them was actually hardcore in the sense we raided ALL THE TIME, but the only problem was that we sucked. Hardcore.
The problem with most hardcore raiding guilds is that it does require a big time committment. The top guilds on the server all raid 4-5 nights a week, and start raids at 7-8pm servertime, which is inconvenient for me given that my time zone is 3 hours earlier than server time and I have a full-time job.
There is one guild that I've had my eye on. It's definitely one of the top guilds, and they start raids a little later so I can technically make the raid times. I've inspected the guild members and my gear seems to be comparable to theirs. I just switched my profession to enchanting so I can have even more of an edge in raids. I feel like if I were to apply, there is a pretty good chance I'll get in.
So why haven't I sent in an app yet?
I'm not sure if I really want to play with any of these people. I've been in pugs with hardcore raiding guilds and I must say, they're all assholes. Universally, without fail, they're elitist jerks. They openly bash other guilds, call people names and mercilessly kick anyone who makes one mistake. It's as if having the "kingslayer" title automatically entitles them to act like douchebags towards everyone.
It's pretty juvenile to act that way. I mean, have these people stepped out into the real world and tried to bully everyone on the basis that they've killed the lich king? Most people would stare at them blankly before punching them in the nads. I can understand partly why they would do that. Having good gear myself, I find it weary when players with inferior gear pester me or act like idiots. Like last night when I was trying to do the weekly and this one shaman kept saying, "If we're not doing full clear I'm leaving." Umm, yeah, it's not like we had 5 other shamans in the raid, not to mention you had a 5k GS with full pvps...strange thing was, even after multiple ppl said "no way I'm just here for weekly", this guy didn't leave. All bark and no bite, I see.
I have to admit I felt a stronge urge to type in caps "STFU about the full clear, no one wants to be here for 2 hours", but I didn't. Because it's important to be polite, even when you can't see someone face-to-face. Because I wouldn't have said anything to him had my gear been worse than his. Because some extra sparkly pixels and programming language doesn't give me license to bash others whos pixels and programming language are not as sparkly as mine.
Back to my original thought. I don't think I want to be playing this game with 24 assholes 4 nights a week. Sure, my current guild hasn't down LK yet, but they're so nice and polite to everyone! No one ever yells, no one bitches and moans, and they're all so friendly. I'd rather wipe on Sindragosa for 2 hours with those guys than earn my Kingslayer with a bunch of douchebags.
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