Thursday, August 18, 2011

Sweet sweet new gear

I have a pet peeve about matching my armor sets to my hair color and tabard color. I have so many tabards actually that I usually just pick one that goes the best with my armor color, then dye my hair to match. For the past six months I'd been sporting the tier11 set which comes with gigantic swirly blue shoulderpads.

Oh dear god how I hated those shoulderpads. I was so excited when shoulders finally dropped for me, even if it was non-tier. Then when I equipped jaw just dropped. It was so ugly. And so disproportionately huge! I looked ridiculous, and from certain angles it just looked like I had some bizarre mummy bandages floating above my torso. Just plain hideous.

But anyways, they were blue so I dyed my hair to match, and dug up some tabards. I had several choices to pull from my collection of tabards (30+ and counting):

Darkspear (light blue/gray with red motif) - not quite the right shade of blue
Undercity (Dark blue/black) - creepy looking face in the middle
Alliance (blue/gole) - I'll never wear alliance scum gear! How did I even buy this in the first place??
Sporeggar (dark blue/purple) - not quite the right shade. Also not a fan of a mushroom logo.
Ebon Blade (navy/black) - too dark and emo
Ramkahen (blue/gold) - reminds me too much of the alliance tabard

The one I picked, which was the exact perfect shade of blue as well as being pretty bad-ass looking, was the frostwolf tabard. It's blue/white and matches perfectly with the shoulderpad, and the touch of white is a nice contrast to the general bleakness of the rest of the armor set. I dyed my hair blue and voila - I was a coordinated (and pretty!) troll once more!

Then of course, I switched guilds, meaning that I started back from 0/3000 neutral rep. I decided to wear the tabard to speed up the rep gain, which meant having to re-coordinate my outfit once more. I dyed my hair red to match and luckily the new tabard was exactly the same shade so that looked quite nice. But those big ugly blue shoulderpads! I just couldn't look at them without cringing, especially when they contrasted so hideously with the new hair and tabard!

But then yesterday, after we one-shotted majordomo (a really fun fight in my opinion), the vanquishers shoulder token dropped! And as luck would have it, I was the only person in the entire raid who could use them!

With the new tier shoulder upgrade (can't remember the last time I had tier shoulders...I think it was back in ICC), I could finally equip my new tier chestpiece I had bought two weeks ago but hadn't been able to use because I didn't want to lose my set bonus. So BAM, that's two new tier pieces which comes with a sweet fire damage proc set bonus! And now I could also equip the gloves from the molten front dailies since I didn't have to worry about the tier 11 set bonus anymore! Gear gets really complicated sometimes...

AND just as icing on the cake, the Domo also dropped some sexy rogue boots! So now pretty much everything I'm wearing is either tier 12 or off-set, which are of course all matching in design and color (except the helm, which I never show anyways). It's not red, per se, but it's a dark brown-rusty color with red bits which goes very nicely with the new red hair and tabard. The point is, I look great once more!

The game is way more fun to play (not to mention I keep checking out armory to admire my awesome gear) when your character looks great. That's the worst part of leveling, is that you generally look like some sort of clown in all sorts of mismatched weird crap.

The latest news is that you will be able to customize what your armor looks like in the upcoming patch, so while you keep the same stats, you can look like you're wearing tier 2 or pvp season 5 or whatever you want! I can't wait till I can strut about in full nightslayer or bloodfang...I'm gonna look SO. FREAKING. BAD. ASS.

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