Patch 4.2 Rage of the Firelands is here!
Which brings with is a new raid, new loot, a few new pets/mounts, and a new daily questing hub where you will spend the next few months grinding miserably to earn marks to trade in for loot.
Do you detect a hint of bitterness? Well, I am a little bitter that there are no new dungeons released along with the raid. How hard would it have been to throw one together, no matter how sloppy? People are tired of the same 7 or so dungeons that came out with the cata launch, and most people really hate the new (or should I say old) zandalari dungeons. No one likes one-shot mechanics, I'm telling ya.
If you look at the patch history of wrath, with every new patch came a new raid and also new dungeons. The ulduar patch came with it 2 new dungeons, both normal and heroic, the ToC raid came with just one lame little dungeon which was still kind of fun, and ICC brought a whopping 3 new dungeons and an epic raid which kept people entertained for nearly a year.
And then look at cata. Patch 4.1 brought just 2 recycled old dungeons. Patch 4.2 brought a new raid and a new questing hub, but people hate doing dailies over and over. We enjoy the challenges and intricacies of new dungeon encounters and accessible loots. We do not enjoy grinding the same quests day in and day out, saving up tokens for that one epic loot we're going to purchase 5 months in the future.
Sigh, well that is enough QQing for now. We attempted firelands last night and brought Beth'tilac down to 9%. It's a fun fight as melee, and I'm glad that blizzard stopped the recent trend of royally screwing over melee. Spider goes down, you go up, spider goes nuts, you go down, rinse and repeat. Pretty fun fight.
I'm looking forward to the new raids but I do feel a bit overwhelmed at all the new stuff to do. Whenever a new patch hits there's that frenzied feeling of wanting to explore all the new content and getting all the new achievements and unlocking all the new features, and it just seems like there aren't enough hours in the day to do it all. Just need to breathe, and remind myself that it will all be done in a couple months and I can go back to assuming my pseudo-bored "been-there-done-that" veteran wow player identity.
"Oh, the new dailies? Nah, man, I've done them all too many times. Oh, that new achievement? Nah, man, I got them already. Oh, wanna run dungeons for valor points? Nah, man, I got all my gear...I'm just gonna go farm outlands rep."
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