Thursday, June 9, 2011

Anxiety Attack

We recruited some RL friends to wow and they've been steadily leveling their characters. And I have to admit I feel like such a nosy jerk/elitist whenever I check my friends' armory profiles.

Of course my first impulse when they started was to give them all the advice I could on how to play their class, learn mechanics, acronyms, gear and stats, etc etc. I've been trying my damn hardest not to give TOO much information right off the bat though. I know it can be completely overwhelming given how vast and complex wow can be. I also know that there are things you shouldn't worry about learning before you hit max level since you will pick it up eventually anyways. But there's that part of me that feels like a mother hen watching the baby chicks venture out of the nest for the first time and I feel so goddamn worried!

Like, what if some big bad ally ganks them? What if they accidentally vendor an item that's worth a lot of money? What if they choose the wrong gear? What if they do a random dungeon and get called noobs for not knowing how to play?

I'm mainly worried about the last item. I would hate for my friends to get cussed out in a random dungeon for not knowing how to play! People in dungeons these days are such asshats as it is, and low level dungeons are especially bad since no one even pays attention to any mechanics anymore.

One thing that bothers me to no end is that my nooby friends don't seem to know what stats are important on gear. The last time I checked everything seemed in order, but when they first nearly gave me a heart attack to see a rogue decked out in half spirit/int gear and a paladin equipping a stam/int piece over a stam/str piece. "But it has more armor..." they said to me. "Armor is useless unless you're tanking!" And yet I'd see them rolling need on something that has 2 more armor but 10 less of a stat they need, and saying "woohoo an upgrade!".

Am I being a obsessive elitist bastard? You bet I am. But I'm just so worried because the biggest source of contention in this game is over loot. If my friends were to walk into a random and inadvertently ninja something from another class that rightfully needs it, the drama and cussing and harassment that will ensue is just...too ugly to think about. Plus, you see people in level 85 dungeons ninja-ing shit all the time - do they do it because they're just assholes or do they seriously not know what's good for their class? I don't want my friends to end up like one of those clueless dipshits that everyone cusses at.

Oh god, and their talent trees. Every time I see it I would scowl as if in pain. 1 point into every single talent in a tier...points in pvp talents...skipping all the crucial talents...

I did point them towards elitist jerks, and it seems like they've ironed out the kinks for the most part. But when I used to look at their butchered and mangled talent trees, some part of my soul would weep.

Am I taking this game too seriously? I think so.

I've been coping by remembering that when I first started, I did more than my fair share of nooby things. I used to think stam was the most important stat and would stack it above agi. I used to have a fast main hand and a slow off hand. I used to spend all my gold on potions and only use them for healing (ever heard of eating?). Le sigh.

I just have to remember that knowledge comes in due time. It's nice to have a friend holding your hand but really the best lessons are perhaps the ones you learn the hard way - eg, getting screamed at by some douche in a dungeon.

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