Well, it has been a long hard road but I'm finally exalted with all the goblin factions! It has certainly seemed like the longest grind since you have to start out at 0/36000 hated. That means that in the space of 2-3 months I've managed to rack up 84,000 reputation points total. I amaze even myself sometimes with the ability to mindlessly grind for hours.
I gave myself that extra push over the weekend, partly due to the nice 10% rep gain boost buff you can get from doing the seasonal event (pilgrim's bounty). I kept grinding dire maul and turning in ogre suits, and wrapped it all up with about an hour's worth of griding pirates to push all the reps into exalted. Phew. I wish you had a title for just doing that, but alas you do not. Although I did get the achievement 25 exalted reputations!
I'm also about halfway there with ravenholdt. The 10% boost is really nice, and it should save me a lot of time with the junkbox turn-ins. The beauty is that the majority of the work (pickpocketing mobs) doesn't require you to be wearing the 10% rep buff, so I can just sit in blackrock spire and grind away, and only need to get the buff when I actually TURN IN the junkboxes. Whereas when I was grinding dire maul I had to make sure I had the buff on me. By my calculations I should need only about 600 or so more junkboxes, I have about 100 sitting in my mailbox, and given that I can crank out about 150 per hour, I should be good to go. I just need no distractions whatsoever this week. Oh wait, I think it's Thanksgiving this week...rats!
What to do after I get exalted with ravenholdt in a couple of days? Well, there's darkmoon faire of course. I'm just about to hit revered, after which I will need about 60 decks. I have about 15 sitting in my bank, so I think it's safe to say I probably will not get able to get this one before cata. Not to mention the fact that the next time the fair is in town will be at Elwynn forest, and there is just no way I'm running 10 min to get to the fair, turning in my decks, running 10 min back to the nearest mailbox to mail the trinkets (which you receive as rewards for deck turn-ins and can be worth quite a bit of money), and repeating this process all the while risking getting ganked by alliance. So I will just have to wait another month to turn them in at Thunder bluff or Shattrath. This will give me some more time to get more decks made anyhow. I'm hoping once cata hits northrend will clear out and I should have an easier time gathering herbs without any competition or fear of getting ganked.
What next after I finally get my insane title? Well, I imagine cataclysm will keep me busy for a while. Grinding to 85, doing all the new raids and dungeons, unlocking achievements, etc. If there is still some time left before the cata launch I'd like to get some other factions to exalted. I'm pretty far into revered with the Kalu'ak, I'd like to get that up to exalted. Then I'd like to get those nether-ray mounts by hitting exalted with the shatari skyguard. Apparently you can grind rep pretty fast with those guys so I'd like to add their 6 mounts to my growing collection. After that? Well, there are always more alts to level up.
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