Thursday, October 7, 2010

Farmville??? Get a life.

I can't stand all these facebook requests I'm getting to start playing Farmville. So and so has sent you a gift on farmville! So and so wants you to adopt a sheep on farmville! So and so has just slaughtered a pig and wants to offer you some pork!

I mean, COME ON people. It's sad how addicted some people are at this game. Case in point: recently there was a mayor or governor somewhere who just had to resign because people found out he wasn't getting work done and playing farmville all day instead. I was just in Hawaii and I saw more than one person playing farmville on their laptops in the lobby downstairs. I mean, WTF!!!! I had a freaking kidney stone but I still went snorkeling despite debilitating pain. These people chose to ignore sunny beaches and beautiful waterfalls so they could do what? Raise some virtual corn crops on their virtual farm? Get a grip!

Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with these cutesy little sim games. Heck, I've played quite a few myself and I think they're fun and addicting at times. But let's get one thing straight here: games like farmville are CASUAL games, meant to be enjoyed as such. They are meant for your iphone, to be dabbled in 15-min sessions while you're waiting in line at the airport. They are only meant to be played on your computer during episodes of extreme boredom when nothing else is available (ie wow patch days).

See, here's the way I see it. There are hardcore games, and there are hardcore gamers. In my opinion only three types of games qualify as hardcore - First person shooter, Real-time stragety, and MMORPG. The reason I say that is because hardcore games NEED to involve some sort of competitive online gameplay that pits you against other players - this aspect is what makes the game hardcore. The three genres mentioned above are the only ones where there is a large enough gamer base to ensure a true competitive playing environment. Sending your friend a basket of corn over farmville DOES NOT COUNT.

Hardcore games are not meant to be played safely in your own little world. Hardcore games are not meant to be friendly nor user-friendly. Hardcore games have a steep learning curve - they give you a few basic pointers then throw you out into a vast online world of competitive douchebags. You will be beaten and humiliated to a degree you will never experience in a game like farmville. No one gangs up on your livestock, teabags them, and /spits in your face before leaving.

Ultimately, hardcore games turn people into hardcore gamers. After losing a brutal match, you nerdrage, vow revenge, and begin learning. You read up on strategy online or on forums, you upgrade your computer to run the game better, you start devoting more and more time into becoming a better player, and before you know it you've become - ta-da! - a hardcore gamer.

So what I really don't understand are these people who play casual games as though they were hardcore gamers. People who devote wayyyyyy too much time into playing a silly little casual game. If you're going to spend 5+ hours a day playing a game, people, at least play something worthwhile. It takes the brain power equivalent of a nematoad to play these casual games (I mean, are you even doing anything besides clicking??? If you're not using at least 80% of your keyboard in any hardcore game you fail). If I ever played that much farmville I'd hide myself from all online communities and cover my face in shame, not broadcast my latest farmville achievement on facebook.

But I digress - if you want to be a total pussy of a gamer and spend hours feeding your chickens, be my guest. But please keep all that shit out of my face (metaphorically) by not informing me every 5 min via facebook of all your remarkable farm-related accomplishments. And please don't have the audacity to assume that I would ever want to disgrace myself and my laptop by taking part in your little farm adventures.

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