Friday, September 24, 2010

I slayed the Lich King...but I did not shoot the Deputy

Yes, you heard me correctly. I am now a Kingslayer!

Well, the actual slaying of the Lich King took place almost a month ago. On the night before I left for my wedding & honeymoon trip, my guild decided to give me a nice little present by taking me along on their icc10 hard mode runs. They decided to down the lich king at the end too just so me and a couple others could get their Kingslayer titles!

The run started at 7pm sharp. We had sort of a snag at the start but once we were all focused, we started clearing one boss after another in rapid succession. We either did them all hard mode or went for once of the achievements (except LK himself, obviously) - which in some bosses are just as hard as the HM itself. Marrowgar, Lady D, Gunship, Saurfang were all a total breeze on HM. We did rotface and fester achievements, also a total breeze. Professor Putricide on HM cost us only one wipe if I remember correctly. We did the achi on blood council, HM blood queen (cake walk), we went for an achi on dreamwalker but it glitched on us sadly.

We were going for an achievement on Sindragosa, but man, that fight is always hard for some reason. So many things have to go just right for it to work. We wiped 6 or 7 times without even getting to phase 3 in which you can do the achievement. Finally we just said screw it and downed her even though the tank had already messed up the achievement part.

And then...big bad LK himself! To tell you the truth, the fight was really, really anticlimactic. I'd wiped so much before even getting to phase 2 that I had no idea the only hard part of the fight is the beginning! Everyone complained that the defile mechanic was hard but it was super easy. You see disgusting grey goop under you, you move out. Simple as that. I didn't have to worry about much else besides avoiding defile and hitting LK. Oh, and stunning valkyrs. My dps was nothing to write home about since I was so new to it and all, but we downed LK on our second attempt. All in all, the full icc clear (including achievements and hard modes) took us 5 hours, and less than 10 wipes total. PRO.

We got to watch the end cinematic, we all put on our new titles - Kingslayer - and took a group photo! LK was teabagged many a time that night.

Sigh, it made me think, what the hell was wrong with my last guild? Their GS was just as high, they seemed to be good players. Was it just lack of experience that made them struggle so much with LK? Perhaps. Who knows how long it took my current guild to get to the point they could 2-shot LK on their alts? Probably took a lot of blood, sweat, and tears.

Well, now I'm back from 3 weeks of travel and ready to WoW hardcore. Brewfest is going on! Probably my favorite wow holiday of the year!!!

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