We wiped on Iron Council (or is it Assembly of Iron? I forget) and people began moaning and whining, as usual. I don't understand why people hate that fight - I think it's one of the funnest bosses in Ulduar. XT Deconstructor is probably my favorite because, well, that boss has hilarious emotes. Also he stretches before the fight??? So amusing.
Anyways, I love the iron council fight because it's not just a tank-and-spank fight like so many other bosses. There's 3 bosses each with different things to watch out for and everyone needs to remember their roles and be on their toes and ready to switch onto the next guy.
Onyxia is kind of like that during phase 2, where you have to worry about so many things at the same time. Big adds, small adds, breath, AoE, and on top of that range DPS still needs to nuke down Ony herself...I can literally feel the tension through the vent chat. By the time she comes back down I'm like, "holy crap we're all still here. How did we manage that?"
We did vault afterwards, which in my opinion is so boring. Don't get me wrong, the loot is awesome. But the bosses are all pretty much tank-and-spank. No convoluted strategy involved, just run away when DBM tells you to and kite the boss around if people are standing in AoE or whatever.
I think Naxx had the best boss fights in terms of complexity and originality. Every boss (well, except Patchwerk) had some crazy ability. Heigan for instance, what a blast (no pun intended) that fight was! The eruption phase is so chaotic and even with an uber geared group you need to dodge the waves if you want to survive. Or Gluth and his zombie chows, Thaddius and the +/- charges, Gothik who splits up the raid into 2 DPS race teams, or the Four Horsemen! Surprisingly enough KT and Sapphiron themselves are relatively simple compared to the sub-bosses.
My point is, you had to know those fights. You had to know where to be at certain times, you had to know when to DPS hard and when to back off, when to run away, when to stack on the tank and when to be behind the boss, you had to constantly watch DBM meters and know when the next phase was coming. The raid leader spent more time planning out the fight than on actually downing the boss. Whereas fights like Archavon or Kologarn can be explained in about 10 seconds.
I haven't been inside ICC yet, but I hear that the boss fights are not simple tank/spanks. So I guess that's something to look forward to...if my guild is ever going to run ICC.
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